Redmond Co-operative Preschool

Parents & Children Learning Together


Now Registering for the 2007/2008 School Year

Please call Rachel Traicoff, Registrar, at 425-883-9508 for more information. Please also see our Registration FAQ for answers to most frequently asked registration questions.



Cooperative Preschool: A unique opportunity for both parent and child.

Our mission at Redmond Parent Cooperative Preschool is to foster the development of a strong family unit. We do this by involving parents in the early education of their children and in their own education as parents.



For parents, it's an opportunity to:


Participate in your child's learning experiences.


Learn about the developmental stages appropriate to your child's age.


Brainstorm solutions for current parenting issues with the teacher and other parents.

For your child, it's an opportunity to:


Choose from a rich variety of daily activities including art, woodworking, cooking projects, imaginative play, music, outdoor play, science, circle and story times.


Participate in monthly field trips, dad's nights, and an overnight camp out.


Experiment with materials and equipment without adult ideas and standards being imposed on them.


Work together, sharing responsibilities and experiences as part of a group.


Know and work with adults other than their parents.

Click here to learn about A Typical Day.


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A Typical Day
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